
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heidi Fannin working to help Racine 'eat right'

By Mila Dechant

The human body has got the miraculous capability of healing itself when the right food is fed to it. You are what you eat and cultivating mindfulness is crucial. 

Heidi Fannin, 44, is immensely passionate about food and wholesome nutritional food at that. Her passion for food just explodes the minute she starts talking about it. Heidi is no stranger to freshly grown produce as she grew up eating what was grown in her mum’s garden. “We made our own breads and cheese,” exclaimed Heidi. 

Heidi became more focused on the importance of good nutritious food when she took note of the quality of the food that was served to the children in her daughter’s kindergarten. As a concerned mum, she had approached the principal of her daughter’s kindergarten to discuss about the quality of the food that was served to the children. What came out of the principal’s mouth took Heidi aback. “What are your credentials?” She thought that being a mum itself is a credential to have the absolute right to question what is being served to her own child in school. When she started making lunch for her daughter for school, people started telling her daughter to eat “kid’s food." “What is kid’s food? McDonalds? Pizza?” She wanted wholesome food to be fed to her kids and not refined poison. That is when “Eat Right Racine” started.

Heidi soon decided to embark on a whole new journey. She was gung-ho about changing and educating people about nutritious food that was unprocessed and unrefined. She decided to go to New York’s Institute for Integrated Nutrition. Heidi wants to share the knowledge of how eating right can benefit one’s body, mind and soul. She says, “ Everyone is so busy that they are not taking time to make a home cooked meal anymore. Most of the food is from a can or from the frozen aisle."

“Eat Right Racine” holds a monthly meeting that is open to the public. She is targeting a larger audience. She wants people to come and share the good eats. “It feels great supporting each other to start a healthy lifestyle” expressed Fannin. One of the biggest impacts we can make is via food - good, nutritious food. 

Fannin is a massage therapist and a body worker. She guides her clients to where they are supposed to be in their eating habits. It is so refreshing to have a group that motivates and educates the public about nutritious food that is healing to the body in Racine. Health is the biggest form of wealth that one can inherit.

Check Eat Right Racine on Facebook groups.
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