
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Demonstrations of Constellation Healing scheduled

Lake House Health & Learning Center will host a series of eight demonstration sessions, "Constellation, Ancestors And Healing," about a new intergenerational healing method starting July 26 with Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, a licensed clinical social worker and educator.

The method is Systemic Constellation Work, an unconventional therapeutic method which began in Germany about 30 years ago and is rapidly expanding throughout the United States and the world and is being applied to organizational development and education.

Carnabucci will discuss the process and lead a demonstration; a psychotherapist and educator specializing in mind-body and alternative therapies, she has been recently certified as a facilitator through advanced training with the Stark Institute of Germany and The Hellinger Center of D.C.

Systemic Family Constellations are unlike cognitive, behavioral and interpersonal psychotherapies in their origin, form and purpose. They succeed by diminishing the unconscious impulses that drive destructive and self-defeating behaviors and allow new connections to emerge.

The method involves very little talk and focuses on body sensations and feelings that people experience when placed to represent one's family members, including ancestors that are unknown. Those standing are moved until the representatives feel a sense of peace. Much of the work focuses on family rank and what are
called "orders of love." It shows little of what most would call traditional psychotherapy and does not follow traditional psychological ideas.

The two-hour mini-demonstration sessions will include: 

•       A discussion of the background of Constellation Work and how it was developed.
•       The approach of the method and how family rank and love are viewed.
•       A demonstration of the process.

Dates include: 
  • 3 p.m. July 26
  • 10 am. July 29
  • 3 p.m. Aug. 2
  • 10 a.m. Aug. 7
  • 3 p.m. Aug. 16
  • 10 a.m. Aug. 19
  • 6:30 p.m. Aug. 24
  • 6:30 p.m. Aug. 31

In addition, Carnabucci will present a full-day program, "Stories of the Ancestors," from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 7, at Lake House. The day will focus on opportunities to address personal issues and is open to laypersons and professionals with continuing education and psychodrama credits provided.

Professionals and laypersons are welcome to attend and may observe or participate. There is no fee for the mini-demonstrations although a free will offering or donations to the Racine County Food Bank are welcome. In some cases participants may be able to use their health insurance for the session.

Interested persons may attend as many sessions as they wish and should call (262) 633-2645 to register or with questions. Space is limited and reservations are suggested.

Lake House is located at 932 Lake Ave., Racine. Directions and more information are online.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

'Intuitive healer' hosting series of classes and events in Racine this month

Intuitive healer Markus Kasunich (right) will host a series of classes, lectures and events in Racine this month. Kasunic lives in an ashram in Southern California, but has developed a local following in recent years. Below is a schedule of his local events:

Tuesday, July 20

“Life in Balance – Exploring and Applying the Universal Laws”
Location: Studio 237 – Images by Camela, 237 Main Street, Racine
Time: Doors open at 7:00 pm. Presentation at 7:30 pm.
Cost: Free will donation will be collected benefiting Eat Right Racine

Enjoy a discourse and discussion about the universal laws, understanding human energy dynamics, and how we can apply these principals in our personal relationships and our every-day lives. Drawing on his diverse background and years of spiritual training with Shamans, healers, mystics, and Masters from all over the globe, Markus Kasunich brings a personal, uplifting, and inspiring perspective to the topic of “Living in Balance,” making the sometimes obscure spiritual world practical and applicable for people from all walks of life. Join us in this engaging evening of discussion and exploration. Bring your questions!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

“My Spiritual Journey”
Location: Olympia Brown Unitarian Church, 625 College Avenue, Racine
Time: 6:30-9:00 pm

Markus Kasunich has lived the life of a true seeker. Studying with spiritual teachers and mentors worldwide, exploring his own intuitive gifts and connection to the Divine, his dauntless search finally led him to his Guru. In this evening’s discussion, he will share stories of his own spiritual journey and experiences as a healer, as well his life at Prema Drala Ashram, where he has served as Personal Assistant to Spiritual Master Louix Dor Dempriey (Bhagavan Sri Pranananda) for the past 10 years. Join us for an exciting and inspiring evening of reflection and self-discovery.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pranayama Breathing
Location: DeKoven Center, Assembly Hall, 600 -21st Street, Racine
Time: 7:30-10:00 pm
Cost: $30 per person

Pranayama (Sanskrit: प्राणायाम prāṇāyāma) is a Sanskrit word meaning "restraint of the prana or breath". The word is composed of two Sanskrit words, Prāna, life force, or vital energy, particularly, the breath, and "āyāma", to suspend or restrain. It is often translated as control of the life force (prana). When used as a technical term in yoga, it is often translated more specifically as "breath control".

This ecstatic breathing practice is done lying on the ground, using a specific breathing technique designed to move you into altered states of consciousness. Markus will facilitate by assisting each individual to maintain the breath and move energy within the body, as well as assisting in the removal of blockages and the integration of the pranayama experience. Be prepared for a journey into unprecedented states of consciousness. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Healing Circle
Location: Your Yoga Lifestyle, 518 College Avenue, Second Floor, Racine
Please RSVP @
Time: 6:30-9:00 pm
Cost: $50 per person

Take this journey and exploration into your Self. This is a perfect opportunity to work on present life issues and circumstances, to receive guidance, and tools to transcend current life patterns and issues in an intimate, respectful, and safe setting. Markus will utilize various physical, energetic, and spiritual healing techniques used for centuries by healers, Shamans, and mystics to assist you, (wherever you are in your present life journey) to develop a deeper sense of self awareness, enrich your connection to spirit within, and assist you to gain higher states of consciousness. Please bring a note pad and pen, and a yoga mat or cushion.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

“Understanding Gurus and Spiritual Masters”
Location: DeKoven Center, Assembly Hall, 600 - 21st Street, Racine
Please RSVP @
Time: 7:30-10:00 pm
Cost: By Donation

For the past ten years, Markus Kasunich has devoted himself to his own personal training and growth, alongside and under the direct guidance of an Enlightened Master Louix Dor Dempriey (Bhagavan Sri Pranananda). He currently serves as Personal Assistant at the world headquarters of the global organization. In this capacity, he has had the privilege of immersing himself in the peoples and cultures of more than fifteen countries, as he travels the world, assisting in facilitating spiritual retreats and pilgrimages, which have blessed and inspired profound healing in the lives of thousands…

In this evening of Satsang, Markus will share film footage and discourses from the Master, intimate and revealing stories from his own intense and deeply-personal training. He will help to dispel the myths, misconceptions, and fears, about Gurus and their role in our ever-changing world. He will also offer his own insight and understanding about Enlightenment, unconditional love, healing, and how this ancient esoteric knowledge applies to our modern lives. Bring your questions…We Invite you to a loving and respectful discussion on all facets of this topic. Be prepared for an amazing and revealing evening of exploration.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Guided Meditation and Discussion on “Divine Parenting”
Location: Franksville United Methodist Church, 10402 Northwestern Avenue, Franksville
Please RSVP @
Time: 7:30-10:00 pm
Cost: $30 per person

Markus will assist in cleansing the body, mind, and spirit and opening up experiences in the consciousness through guided breathing along with interactive visualization, and a meditative inner journey accompanied by soft music.

In response to many requests, Markus will lead a discussion on parenting, from a spiritual perspective. He will assist parents to better relate and understand the psychology of the child’s mind, offer a perspective to help parents to better guide their children on their own spiritual evolution, and to offer a unique perspective on the potential for healing that is available in their relationship with their children. Bring your questions, concerns, and life circumstances for an amazing interactive discussion and exploration.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heidi Fannin working to help Racine 'eat right'

By Mila Dechant

The human body has got the miraculous capability of healing itself when the right food is fed to it. You are what you eat and cultivating mindfulness is crucial. 

Heidi Fannin, 44, is immensely passionate about food and wholesome nutritional food at that. Her passion for food just explodes the minute she starts talking about it. Heidi is no stranger to freshly grown produce as she grew up eating what was grown in her mum’s garden. “We made our own breads and cheese,” exclaimed Heidi. 

Heidi became more focused on the importance of good nutritious food when she took note of the quality of the food that was served to the children in her daughter’s kindergarten. As a concerned mum, she had approached the principal of her daughter’s kindergarten to discuss about the quality of the food that was served to the children. What came out of the principal’s mouth took Heidi aback. “What are your credentials?” She thought that being a mum itself is a credential to have the absolute right to question what is being served to her own child in school. When she started making lunch for her daughter for school, people started telling her daughter to eat “kid’s food." “What is kid’s food? McDonalds? Pizza?” She wanted wholesome food to be fed to her kids and not refined poison. That is when “Eat Right Racine” started.

Heidi soon decided to embark on a whole new journey. She was gung-ho about changing and educating people about nutritious food that was unprocessed and unrefined. She decided to go to New York’s Institute for Integrated Nutrition. Heidi wants to share the knowledge of how eating right can benefit one’s body, mind and soul. She says, “ Everyone is so busy that they are not taking time to make a home cooked meal anymore. Most of the food is from a can or from the frozen aisle."

“Eat Right Racine” holds a monthly meeting that is open to the public. She is targeting a larger audience. She wants people to come and share the good eats. “It feels great supporting each other to start a healthy lifestyle” expressed Fannin. One of the biggest impacts we can make is via food - good, nutritious food. 

Fannin is a massage therapist and a body worker. She guides her clients to where they are supposed to be in their eating habits. It is so refreshing to have a group that motivates and educates the public about nutritious food that is healing to the body in Racine. Health is the biggest form of wealth that one can inherit.

Check Eat Right Racine on Facebook groups.